Wednesday, 4 April 2012

iTunesU Post Two

      I believe this type of learning needs to become more common in classrooms today. Since technology is advancing and is a part of our lives today, it only makes sense to incorporate it into education. This type of learning erases the old “teacher speaking in front of the class” format and incorporates individual learning using technology. Since students are constantly on their phones/computers as is, it seems appropriate to put that to good use. Teachers should start to embrace the fact students want use technology and begin to teach them how to gather information with them. As well, personal learning devices would erase the need for textbooks, therefore eliminating the cost for that. iTunesU is a great system that distributes knowledge through technology. People are able to study a whole unit, by a professor, without having to be in the class. Also, there is no fee or tuition, which is another cost reduction.  
      I believe this type of learning should be incorporated into classrooms today because it is beneficial to both the students and the teachers. For example, I know at my high school, a teacher used YouTube as a form of teaching. He would post videos at night of lessons and ask the students to watch them and try the examples he would use. The next day in class they would go over the examples without having to teach the lesson in class. This saves time and also the teacher has more time to focus on the students that are having problems with the lesson.

      Therefore I believe integrating technology into the classroom is a necessity and extremely useful. Since our world is already becoming more and more technologically advanced, it makes sense to teach the youth how to use technology in a way that is beneficial to them. The use of technology is unlimited and the knowledge people can gain is extremely underrated. Technology in the classroom needs to start being seen as constructive instead of a negative. 


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